1. What are the differences between C++ and Java?

C++ is not platform-independent; the principle behind C++ programming is “write once, compile anywhere.”

In contrast, because the byte code generated by the Java compiler is platform-independent, it can run on any machine, Java programs are written once and run everywhere.

Also Read: Learn C++ Programming

C++ is a programming language that is based on the C programming language. Most other high-level languages are compatible with C++.

Most of the languages of Java are incompatible. Java is comparable to those of C and C++.

It can access the native system libraries directly in C++. As a result, it’s better for programming at the system level.

Java’s native libraries do not provide direct call support. You can use Java Native Interface or access the libraries.

C++ distinguishes itself by having features that are similar to procedural and object-oriented languages. The characteristic that sets Java apart is automatic garbage collection. Java doesn’t support destructors at the moment.

Primitive and object types in C++ have the same kind of semantics. The primitive and object and classes of Java, on the other hand, are not consistent.

Java refers to a compiled and interpreted language. In contrast, C++ is only a compiled language.

In Java, the source code is the compiled output is a platform-independent byte code.

In C++, the source program is compiled into an object code that is further executed to produce an output.

2. List the features of the Java Programming language?